2015-09-17 Snap Decision.
We all headed down for coffee and breakfast as usual. Maybe I am slow, or maybe I just have my head down - working on the blog - but I didn't see it coming.
With no discussion that I heard at coffee, suddenly mid-breakfast, the group decided that they would sail today at Roosevlet, and then head home. Temira's forecast didn't look great for Friday or the weekend.
I have rarely seen our group move so quickly. We finished breakfast at about 10:00am, and by 11:00am I was the only one of our group left in Hood River. I admit it - I bring a lot of junk with me - so it takes me more time to pack. I managed to finish packing by noon.
Ready to leave the condo! |
The guy's apparently stopped by the Wall, and decided it wasn't windy - so proceeded on to Roosevlet Park. I got a phone call from Harold, while I was filling up with gas in Big's, that he was heading out on his 5.3 at Roosevelt.
Blaine had a good last day! |
When I drove passed the Wall at about 1:15, it looked really windy, but what the heck. I arrived at Roosevelt around 2:00. Most of the guy's were rigging 5.6's. The wind was up and down - so big boards were the call. I headed out on my 5.6 and Fanatic Shark. I had a great sail for an hour or so, before a rain storm hit and the wind shifted off shore. Kent and I made it back (barely), but Harold and René were caught out. René had a long swim - but made it in without complaint!
René - at least he is not in as bad shape as the Kiter dude.... |
René |
René - No complaints - another great day! |
I hung around for a while, but it looked to me like the wind was done. I should know better because twice before on this trip the wind has come back up. Maybe it was my turn to be the "sacrifice". Anyway, I packed up and was on the road by 4:00. Handre was a bit ahead of me, and Jim and Harold were just behind me.
Jim had a great trip! |
Well - apparently it was the wrong call. About 30 minutes after I left, the wind cranked up. Kent told me that he and Blaine had a good 90 minutes of 4.8m sailing until the wind finally died around 6:00pm, while Brad and Rene watched. I don't know what that was about - possibly just the "Oh watch the wind is going to dye and those buggers will be swimming" syndrome - then "Well maybe I made the wrong call - but now the wind is going to drop" - then "Damn" - then finally the wind does die - and you missed a good sail. (I've been there) Of course you know Kent - It was the BEST SESSION EVER!. While I don't believe that - I am very glad they got out sailing. I should have known better - this is the third time the wind has come back after dying on this trip!
All packed up and ready to leave! |
As I pulled in to get gas at Sandpoint, before checking in to the Day's Inn, Jim's big rig passed me on the highway. He must have had the pedal to the metal to catch me, because from what I could see he still had a fair amount of packing to do when I left.
I believe Al will be staying at the Condo for another day or so before heading to Penticton, but I think he will have them all to himself.
I hope everyone has a safe trip home.
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